We must not forget that we have backup the database before continuing with the patching steps. The steps we will follow are summary below. Oracle […]
Okumaya devam etKategori: Oracle
ora-02304: invalid object identifier literal
I worked importing command and see this errors in import alert log. I controlled alert log saw a lot oracle object creating OID TYPE errors. […]
Okumaya devam etTNS-01189 During Listener Monitoring Using Enterprise Manager
Hi everyone Now we controlling this oem alert message and solution this message. First of all search alert source in oem. Our target hosts send […]
Okumaya devam etOracle EM13c “3hdkutq4krg4c” High CPU Resolved
Oracle Enterprise Manager “dbjob_status” ile ilgili bilgileri toplamak için aşağıdaki sqlid ‘ye sahip ilgili sql çalıştırmaktadır. Bu durumda DBSNMP kullanıcısı veri tabanında bu işi yaparken […]
Okumaya devam etOracle HTTP Server installation
Firstly download true software for operating system. In this intallation about Linux 64-bit operating system. https://www.oracle.com/middleware/technologies/webtier-downloads.html Open zip file to use your path location and […]
Okumaya devam etMount ASM Disk Group Fails : ORA-15186, ORA-15025, ORA-15063
Upgraded operating system afterly case this alerts.Database asm diskgroup information not value and output errors. Closed ASM instance and startup afterly check ASM alert log. […]
Okumaya devam etORA-01274: cannot add data file & ORA-01136: specified size of file
Now writing about add datafile in prod database and dataguard (standby) databases.This scenario, I added datafile prod database but in dataguard databases ‘standby_file_management’ parameter not […]
Hi everyone, I talk about Oracle Grid infrastructure patching operation. Before we applied Oracle Database release patching. Steps is likely but Grid patching applying in […]
Okumaya devam etORACLE GOLDEN GATE ve Cannot find executable file ‘./mgr’ hatası.
Bugün Oracle Golden Gate alınan bir hata ve çözümünü ileteceğim. Öncesinde biraz Oracle Golden Gate nedir bahsetmek isterim. Benim henüz deneyimlediğim Oracle Golden Gate bir […]
Okumaya devam etORA-65096: invalid common user or role name
Oracle 12c versiyonu ile birlikte Contanier ve Pluggable database modelini sundu. Bu modeli kısaca açıklayacak olursak 1 tana ana veri tabanı dediğimiz Contanier Database üzerinde […]
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