Enterprise Manager 13.4 (OEM) installation on OL8

In this blog we can create 19c oracle database afterly installation OEM on oracle Linux server 8.

  • Creating 19c oracle database

On the OL8 operating systems this error usually exists INS-08101 Unexpected error while executing the action at state: ‘supportedOSCheck.

a)Install database/client software only on certified operating system .
b) Following can be used as reference to verify if oracle database/client is certified on an operating system.
Locate Database Server or Client Certification Information on My Oracle Support (Doc ID 1295603.1)
c) Verify /tmp is not set with 'noexec'
d) Run software installation as below
export CV_ASSUME_DISTID=OL7 -- If software is installed on RHEL 8/OL8
cd <software directory>
Note : Due to security limitations if noexec cannot be removed from /tmp ,temporary directory can be created in a different file system and export TEMP variables as below before running runInstaller

1) mkdir -p /opt/app/oracle/tmp
2) export TMPDIR=/opt/app/oracle/tmp
export TMP=/opt/app/oracle/tmp
export TEMP=/opt/app/oracle/tmp
3) ./runInstaller

Use the this steps for warning.


And now finish database installation.

Now second step OEM installation

Set the in this parameters oracle database and restart database.

alter system set "_optimizer_nlj_hj_adaptive_join"= FALSE scope=both sid='*';
alter system set "_optimizer_strans_adaptive_pruning" = FALSE scope=both sid='*';
alter system set optimizer_adaptive_features=false scope=both;
alter system set "_allow_insert_with_update_check"=true;
alter system set session_cached_cursors=200 scope=spfile;
alter system set "_optimizer_nlj_hj_adaptive_join"= FALSE scope=both sid='*'; 
alter system set "_optimizer_strans_adaptive_pruning" = FALSE scope=both sid='*';
alter system set "_px_adaptive_dist_method" = OFF scope=both sid='*';
alter system set "_sql_plan_directive_mgmt_control" = 0 scope=both sid='*';
alter system set "_optimizer_dsdir_usage_control" = 0 scope=both sid='*';
alter system set "_optimizer_use_feedback" = FALSE scope=both sid='*';
alter system set "_optimizer_gather_feedback" = FALSE scope=both sid='*';
alter system set "_optimizer_performance_feedback" = OFF scope=both sid='*';

On the other hand, not exist “BI Publisher Configuration status error” using this way. 13.4: OMS Install/Upgrade Fails During BIP Configuration (Doc ID 2634802.1). Unset CLASSPATH

      $ export CLASSPATH=

Also other problems usually exists /tmp area. For this problem solve

./em13400_linux64.bin -J-Djava.io.tmpdir=/oracle/product/tmp

all problems solved , now running oem bin file.

İf you do not set same parameters , exists this errors

Accepted click and installation finished. Now add databases to enterprise manager.

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